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Time for a New Air Conditioner?

ac unit outside of a house

Have you noticed that your home doesn’t feel as cold as it used to?  Could it be the hotter-than-normal summer or the beginning of the end of your air conditioning?  If it’s the former then the changing of the seasons could help, if it’s the latter then you may need to do some thinking.

The average air conditioner should last between 10 to 15 years.  Hot and humid climates where the AC unit runs more continuously, especially if you are trying to maintain a very cold temperature, will have more wear and tear.  And the air quality of your area, excessive dust, pollutants, etc., will cause the system to work harder, adding to that wear and tear.  These factors have a big impact on the unit’s lifespan.

As with most appliances, you can extend the lifespan by maintaining the unit with regular checkups, changing the filters multiple times throughout the year, and spraying off the outside unit with water to keep it free from debris or any dust from the air. However, there will come a time when annual maintenance just won’t be enough.  There are many warning signs that your AC unit is coming to the end of its life.  The most obvious is that it keeps breaking down and you are spending more and more on repairs and not just maintenance.

Here are a few other warning signs:

  • It is getting noisier (grinding or squealing)
  • It is leaking coolant
  • Increase in energy bills
  • Home’s humidity is going up
  • Unit blows hot air
  • Thermostat not holding the temp
  • Unit won’t switch off, or on
  • Home is getting dustier
  • Smells, such as must or burning, coming from the unit

Replacing your AC unit can be a big expense so it’s not a decision to be made lightly.  If it is still doing the job well enough for your comfort level, if you don’t see yourself staying in the home much longer, or if repairs to keep it running aren’t too expensive, then you may want to consider repairing the unit.  

However, if your repair bills keep piling up, even with annual maintenance, then you’re simply throwing good money after bad.  Once your unit reaches the 12-year mark then you’ll want to start weighing the repair costs against a new unit.  For example, a new unit can cost between $7,000 - $11,000, while a new compressor may cost up to $4,000 and a new evaporator coil anywhere from $1,200 to $4,000.  

Another benefit to replacing is the fact that new units are more efficient so you could see a drop in your energy bills along with the drop in repair costs. Have more questions? We are here to help. 

Call us today at (910) 390-1742, or email us at 
